The Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A1
La première minister de l’Ontario
Édifice de l’Assemblée legislative, Queen’s Park
Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1A1
April 23, 2015
Mr. Louis Helbig
1-149 Patterson Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1S 1Y4
Dear Mr. Helbig:
Thank you for the copy of your book, Beautiful Destruction. It is a very thoughtful gift – one that has been made all the more meaningful by your kind inscription. Your work is both original and compelling, and I commend you on your photographic sense and talents.
I look forward to having the opportunity to review your aerial photographs at greater length and to read a number of the contributed essays.
Thank you again for thinking of me – and please accept my best wishes for your continued success in thought provoking photography.
Kathleen Wynne

Letter from Kathleen Wynne the Premier of Ontario to Louis Helbig about the Beautiful Destruction book.
Backstory: Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne received her copy of the Beautiful Destruction book through her cabinet colleague The Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy who also provided a copy to The Honourable Glenn Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. The Honourable Yasir Naqvi, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (and my MPP in Ottawa Centre) purchased a copy from me at the New Art Festival in late June. I feel most honoured that these leaders have embraced my book. I hope the book’s message of bringing many different points of view together, within the space that art can create in our culture for reflection and wonderment, will shine a little light into and perhaps even help them with the many difficult, often controversial issues we have given them the responsibility to address for us.
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