Alluvial Fan

Alluvial Fan

Alluvial Fan Brightly coloured, almost metallic-tinted, alluvial fan at the edge of Albian Sands tailings pond at sunset. Tailings, consisting of water, sand, clay, industrial solvents and residual oil, are pumped into man-made basins and alluvial fans are...


Lavarand Rather like the funky, fractal patterns that steadily and mesmerizingly evolve in a lava lamp, the bitumen patterns on the tailings ponds are in constant flux. The Muskeg River Mine is operated by Albian Sands Energy, a joint venture between Shell Canada,...
Frozen Snow Floes in Bitumen

Frozen Snow Floes in Bitumen

Frozen Snow Floes in Bitumen Chunks of frozen snow floating in raw bitumen on the surface of Suncor’s south tailings pond, just north of Fort McMurray. . Beautiful Destruction, p. 175 Suncor South Tailings Pond, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada Google Earth...
Caution Sign

Caution Sign

  Caution Sign Industrial refuse landfill at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project.     ←  Frozen Snow Floes in Bitumen     Beautiful Destruction, pp. 220-221 Muskeg River Mine, Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada Google Earth...
Rainbow Lava

Rainbow Lava

  Rainbow Lava Fractal pattern of residual bitumen and sunlight broken into a rainbow spectrum by the oily film on the tailings pond. Tailings contain a host of toxins including bitumen, naphthenic acids, cyanide, phenols and metals such as arsenic, cadmium,...

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